Monday 4 November 2013

You don't like history???

You don't like history???
It's you choice. But if you want to know something truth, you must learn history. 
History will open your eyes and you will act to correct that is not true.
History is important. It tells us the origin. Don't let the truth be swallowed by modernization. Save our history! The true history of Sabah and Sarawak Nation!
We are the future of Sabah and Sarawak! We are the leaders of tomorrow!
If not us who else?? Come on younger generation! Jangan down! Let's move together!.
Stop being afraid!. Kita penentu masa depan. Masa depan ada di tangan kita.
Selagi kita tidak bersatu selagi itu kita akan terus hidup dalam keadaan yang 'kesian'.
Bah jadi??.. Jangan dikasi lama. Ini kali lah! harapan yang kita mw kasi jadi!.
"Take my hand and let's walk together". 
Trust your self, you'll never walk alone. Cheers! Everyone!.


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